Performances :

Some tests of the encoding speed

The tests were made on a AMD Barton 2800+ with 512 MB of ram.
The version 4.3.2 of PHP and the web server Apache were installed.
We tried to encode a video file of 35471 KB with the following commands :

You can see the results in the following table :

Encoding TypeTime (in seconds)
uuencoding (UU_ENCODED)6
Base64 encoding (B64ENCODED)5
xxencoding (XX_ENCODED)6
Yenc encoding (YENC_ENCODED)4

Some tests of the decoding speed

The tests were made on a AMD Barton 2800+ with 512 MB of ram.
The version 4.3.2 of PHP and the web server Apache were installed.
We tried to decode the video files that were encoded above. We used the following commands :

You can see the results in the following table :

Encoding TypeTime (in seconds)
uuencoding (UU_ENCODED)52
Base64 encoding (B64ENCODED)38
xxencoding (XX_ENCODED)37
Yenc encoding (YENC_ENCODED)24

Some comparaisons of size

In the following table, you can see the difference between the size of the video file (see the first performance test above) before and after encoding :

Encoding TypeSize before encoding (in KB)Size after encoding (in KB)Loss (in %)
uuencoding (UU_ENCODED)354714965940
Base64 encoding (B64ENCODED)354714853937
xxencoding (XX_ENCODED)354714965940
Yenc encoding (YENC_ENCODED)35471367754

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