Busy CallBack
Some UUDeview library functions, like scanning of an input file or decoding an output file, can take quite some time.
A php script can use a Busy Callback function which is called frequently while a large action is being executed within the library.
It is not called when the php script itself has control.
The Busy Callback function receives an object corresponding to the C structure uuprogress as unique parameter. This object has the following members :
- int action : What the library is currently doing. One of the following integer constants:
- UUACT_IDLE : The library is idle. This value shouldn’t be seen in the Busy Callback, because it is never called in an idle state.
- UUACT_SCANNING : Scanning an input file.
- UUACT_DECODING : Decoding a file.
- UUACT_COPYING : Copying a file.
- UUACT_ENCODING : Encoding a file.
- string curfile : The name of the file we're working on. It may include the full path.
- int partno : When decoding a file, this is the current part number we’re working on.
- int numparts : The maximum part number of this file.
- int percent : The percentage of the current part already processed.
- int fsize : The size of the current file.