We are two French students and we had to achieve a project to finalize our studies.
We decided to develop an extension for the PHP community.
The main goal of this module is to code and decode large mails attachments.
It is based on the C-library UUDeview (http://www.fpx.de/fp/Software/UUDeview/)
and it is written in C language.
For more details on the module, please see the online documentation (here) or download it in html format (zip or tar.gz).
It is also possible to download the sources project for Windows and UNIX systems (zip or tar.gz) or the binaries for Windows systems only (here).
We want to thank Frank Pilhofer who created the UNIX version of the library UUDeview.
He also wrote a complete documentation. Besides, our documentation is strongly inspired of
his. Without Frank Pilhofer, PHP att_codec couldn't exist.
We also want to thank Michael Newcomb who exported UUDeview library on Windows platforms.
Finally, we want to thank our tutor, Ludovic Sternberger, who proposed this project and
supervised us during its realization.